Finishing Art Material List to Complete and Surface Your Sculpture:
Threaded rod, washers, nuts (make sure it fits existing holes in legs)
Mixing container
Two component polyurethane resin
Small funnel that fits into holes in piece.
Glues (two component epoxy and super glue)
Gesso to seal ceramic piece
Faux metal paints and cold patinas solution
Acrylic paints
Oil paints
Metal paints
Clear coat for finishing and protecting metal effects
Newspaper, masking tape (3/4" to 1" wide)
Recommended Tools List for Sculpture Work
Regular Art brushes (for water, acrylic, or oil painting)
Stipple brushes
5 gallon bucket to hold piece upside down while pouring resin
Rags, foam for cushioning sculpture while working on it
Cutting wheel (to cut threaded rod
Finishing Art Material List to Complete Your Sculpture Base:
Base (Wood, Metal, Plastic, Stone)
Stains and varnish for wood bases
Felt or rubber stick-on pads for bottom of base
Wood glue and wood screws (for bases with multiple parts)
Recommended Tools List for Work on Base
Regular brushes (for stains and varnish)
Drill and drill bits
Needle nose and regular pliers
Table or chop saw
Belt sander, orbital sander
See below for examples and details (hover over pictures)
Two component resin: best refrigerated before use for slower cure times.
For mixing polyurethane. Yogurt contains work as well
Small funnel to poor resin into small holes in sculpture.
Use threaded rod for easy mounting of piece onto base.
For repairs
For minor add on repairs
For Major add on repairs
For first coat of sculpture (instead of using faux metal specific primer)
There are many brands with different looks. Also get regular metal paints for touch up and other effets.
Helps protect paint and arrests cold patina effects.
for various color and paint applications
For applying paint or pigment to sculpture
mixed with water or clear coat to add more metalic effects.
For layered paint effects. (bring turpentine and linseed oil, pallet and pallet knife)
For more opaque color applications (bring mixing tray)
Used on the bottom of your base